And it's SPS again!

OK I think you are entitled to have a laugh at my expense.
The other day I went to the local shopping centre planning to take a photograph of a 'sort of dressmakers dummy". Caz my DD wants one. So I took the shot but then realised I had the lens cap on! Now how daft is that. I wasn't actually looking I just took the shot. Well what I got was a BLACK photograph. LOL.
Thanks for visiting and love from me Di XXX
I absolutly love your SPS pictures, they are fantastic. I am going to attempt my very first one today. I know they won't be up to par with yours.
Thanks for looking at my blog.
Great pictures of you as usual Di, can't wait for the day that I am that relaxed in front of the camera.x
You look utterly fabulous in all you SP's Di! Always so happy-looking and fresh!
Fantastic pics - love them! x
Both great pics, how lovely it must be to be so comfortable with how you look. :-)
oh I love your SPS photos you always look so happy in front of the camera :)
Lol!! at your blank photo (sort of thing I'd do!). Love your SPSs today.
these are great. I can really tell that you are enjoying yourself.
I am echoing what everyone else is saying.
Di you always look so comfortable, there's no pretence you are simply being you. These photos are smashing. Well done :)
Lol lens cap . . . fortunately my camera is a compact :)
You have such an amazing smile, its infectious! :o) x
You look so happy in your shots and can really tell you are comfortable in front of the camera! Good on you - fab pics!
I love seeing your sps piccies. You look like you are having so much fun, you have a great smile... itmakes me smile too:)
they are such fab photos...
caroline x
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