Dog: Man's best friend. Have you got a lil pooch in your space?

My wee dog Finlay (a Scottish terrier) immortalised in one of my tapestries. He and his sister Fiona were my great companions but are now gone.
Hi folks.
Update on the house sale:
I have an opportunity to RENT my house. Now I am not so keen on renting, but it is someone that I know. This would mean that I could pack up and move to Johannesburg, get a little income from the house, get on with my life and keep my investment. Will keep you informed on what trnspires.
Update on the blanket:
Another 15 squares completed!
And just about me:
I have been feeling a little UNINSPIRED lately. Can't seem to get on with scrapping and creating. I guess that's why I have put so much energy into the blanket LOL. I hardly need to think as I crochet, and the exciting part will be when I start to put the squares together.
We have some exciting new designers joining "It's a Creative World" so if you have time get on over and visit the blog. I have my normal Monday post today and it's REAL simple stuff! I put it together because every now and again the creative juices do dry up and the post describes one of my ways of getting them going again.
One more week and my internet quota increases to 2 GIG per month. Woo Hoo, cannot wait!!!
LOL how posh to have a "housekeeper". Most South Aficans would say they have a maid. I prefer to think of Margaret as my friend, companion and "housekeeper". She works for me 4 days per week and think I have told you before, has worked for me for 20 years. She knows and loves my family and is really part of the family. No, I do not need a maid 4 days per week, but I am doing my thing to create employment. Here she is:
Thanks for visiting and love from Di XXX
hahaha Di! It took me 10 secs to find your dog!
Nice thing about this challenge is even if we don't have it in our space, we go out of our way and always find things that would represent the word. I like what you did today! very clever.
have a great week!
Lovely pic, what a cute dog he was. So sad when they go...
Great take on the prompt Diana! Beautiful memories immortalised with love!
Re. the missing mojo - I reackon there's something in the air because I have been having this conversation with so many of my crafty friends this weekend! You're not alone ;o)
Morning Diana, cute little doggy. X
great that you have a tapestry with your little dog in.x
Great tapestry. Well done on the squares. Your housekeeper is a lovely lady.
That's such a lovely way to remember your dog. Can't believe how quickly you are getting that blanket done! Wow!
Love the picture of Margaret - she looks such a happy person.
I also love your SOS shot from yesterday. Those flowers are so vibrant!
what a beautiful way to remmeber your dog and Margaret looks wonderful can i borrow her atm LOL
i'm not well and could do with some company
have a great day
Great take on the promt, I love my Scottie, and yes she is the subject of my HS:MS today!
Great take on the word for today Di!! And love the pic of Margaret - she looks like she'd be great to have around!
What a beautiful way to remember a well loved dog. The house situation seems like a win/win arrangement. What will happen to Margaret when you move?
I love the blue and yellow square for your blanket. Good work getting this done so quickly.
Have a good day - guess it's evening now where you are.
Great tapestry. Seems like you are going great guns with your blanket. x
Sounds like things are possibly picking up for you. I hope so, and I'll keep my fingers crossed for the house to be rented.
Great shot of the dog!!! Clever thinking.
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